




Libros de artista/ Artist's books









La esencia del acto mágico es su poder de metamorfosis. El arte ritual, como acto mágico, busca la transformación en ese otro que es el hombre mágico, "ese otro que somos y no dejamos ser del todo".

El objeto ritual, como arte mágico, invita a cambiar, ya que está imbuido de significado. El objeto es metáfora, instrumento de acción mágica que abre la brecha en la espesura de los signos, que aporta las alas que requiere el hombre mágico para ascender y trascender. Es espejo que permite verse a través, es silencio que permite escuchar la transparencia del ser, el sonido del instante. La esencia del arte que asume la realidad de lo mágico es su poder de ruptura: abre una grieta en la conciencia del que lo realiza y del que lo contempla.

El conocimiento último es de naturaleza estética: es la intuición de un misterio, el poder de la creación. Todo artista verdadero se maravilla ante ese misterio. Toda obra verdadera, honesta, surgida de las profundidades del alma, pretende revelar ese misterio, bien sea en palabras, sonidos, colores o formas. Todo arte verdadero transforma, es un instrumento de mutación. Todo arte auténtico abraza el misterio, comulga con lo sagrado.

El acto de la creación como danza sagrada,
el espíritu a tono con los ritmos primordiales,
el cuerpo, las manos, la mente en contacto íntimo con la materia.
Cada paso un movimiento a lo desconocido,
la disolución del danzante en la vida.


Nauticus #2, 2005


Objects and people occupy a place in the magical dimension.
The magical dimension of reality is here, is now. It is not extraordinary, it just is. It is not a place apart, in a past time, something belonging to fantasy or fiction. It is not a reality apart, since we are living in it, but it can be hidden, like a secret presence. We may not be aware of it, as we are not aware normally of the air we breathe, until we open a window.

The essence of the magical act is its power of metamorphosis. Ritual art, as a magical act, seeks the transformation into the other who is magical man, “the other that we are and have never ceased being completely”.

The ritual object, like magical art, invites to change, as it is pregnant with meaning. The object is metaphor, an instrument of magical practice which opens a breach in the density of symbols, which gives the wings magical man needs to ascend and transcend. It is a mirror which allows to see through oneself, it is silence which allows to hear the transparency of being, the sound of the moment. The essence of art that assumes the reality of magic is its power of disruption: it cracks open a fissure in the consciousness of artist and onlooker.

Ultimate knowledge is of an æsthetic nature: it is the intuition of a mystery, the power of creation. Every real artist Allgenuinewonders at this mystery. All genuine, honest work, springing from the depths of the soul, aspires to reveal this mystery, in words, sounds, colours or forms. All genuine art transforms, is an instrument of mutation.

All genuine art embraces mystery, communicates with the sacred.
The act of creation as sacred dance,
the spirit in harmony with primitive rhythms,
body, hands, mind in intimate contact with matter.
Each step a move towards the unknown,
the dancer dissolving into life.







 Dos cantos,2003






Atadijo, 2012





Yanchama, 2014





Solsticio de invierno/ Winter Solsctice, 2013


Winter Solstice
The return of light

At the turning point of planets and stars
A nest

Deep in the forest, silence
It is the imminence of songs to come
It is a spirit pausing before unfolding
It is darkness waiting for light
A promise of life